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Teenage sex education? What you should know.

As a teen, you are at a critical juncture in your life, when you are forming your own identity and learning about relationships. It’s natural to have questions and concerns about sex, especially in this day and age when we’re bombarded with sexual signals in popular media like movies, social media, music, and so on.
It is critical to have accurate and reliable information in order to make sound decisions.

Here are few considerations we can take look as teenagers

1.  Get the right information: When it comes to sex and sexual health, it’s crucial to have accurate information. While it’s easy to turn to the internet or friends for answers, these sources may not always be reliable. To get the facts straight, consider talking to a trusted adult, like your parents or a healthcare provider. Don’t let myths or misinformation guide your decisions – take control of your sexual health by getting informed from a trusted source.

2. Understand your body: Understanding your body and sexual education is a lifelong endeavor. Your body will undergo numerous changes during puberty. For teenage boys, this may include the development of facial and body hair, a deeper voice, and muscle growth. You may also have increased sexual desires and erections. Teenage girls may experience changes such as the development of breasts, the growth of body and facial hair, and the onset of menstruation. It is critical to remember that these changes are completely normal and that everyone experiences them at their own pace. Teenage girls must also understand their menstrual cycle and use feminine hygiene products such as pads or tampons to manage their periods.

3. Understand the purpose of Sex: Sex is meant to be an intimate and loving expression of commitment between two people in a covenantal relationship, such as marriage. It is not something to be taken lightly or used for selfish pleasure. Sex is also the only channel for procreation. While it may be difficult to abstain from sexual activity, it is worth it to wait until the time is right (marriage) to build a strong foundation for your future relationship and to protect yourself from emotional and physical harm

4. Understand Sexual Triggers & Avoid them:

Sexual triggers can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including media, friends, and even our own thoughts and desires. While an interest in sex and relationships is natural, it is critical to avoid unnecessary sexual triggers that can lead to unhealthy behavior or consequences. Suggestions like being aware of the media you consume is one way to avoid unnecessary sexual triggers. This includes music you listen to, TV shows and movies you watch, and social media content you interact with. It is best to limit or avoid certain media if you discover that it is causing you to have unhealthy thoughts or behaviors. It is also important to consider the people with whom you spend your time and how they influence your thoughts and behaviors. If you have friends who engage in risky or unhealthy sexual behavior, you may want to distance yourself or find new friends. Learn to control your emotions and to be mindful.

3. Seek support: If you are struggling with sexual temptation or have sexual-related questions, it is essential to seek help from trusted adults such as your parents, a pastor, or a counselor. They can offer advice and assist you in making sound decisions.

To summarize, adolescent sex education is an important topic that necessitates accurate and dependable information. It is critical to remember that sex is a gift from God and should be enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage. If you have questions or concerns about sex, seek the advice of trusted adults to help you make sound decisions.

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