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Phone Ettiquette for Young Adult

In this digital age, owning a cell phone has become a staple for most young people. With the plethora of ways to connect and communicate, it’s crucial to remember that our phones come with a great responsibility – to use them with respect and consideration for others. Here are some modern phone etiquette guidelines for you to follow, for the benefit of all young people:

1. Stay in the present. Whether you’re hanging out with friends or in a meeting, take a moment to put your phone away and give your complete attention to the people around you. Not only is it polite, but it also allows you to fully engage in the conversation and create deeper connections.

2. Value the time of others. Be brief and to the point when you call or send a text. Don’t expect others to stop what they’re doing just to talk to you.

3. Keep your eyes on the road. This one is a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating. Texting and driving is not only dangerous, but it’s also illegal in many places. Save the texting for when you’re parked safely.

4. Don’t be afraid to disconnect. Remember that it’s okay to disconnect and take a break from your phone. It’s important to give your mind and eyes a rest and to spend time enjoying the present moment.

5. Speak in a suitable manner. Even when you aren’t speaking face-to-face, keep in mind that you are still conversing with someone. Slang, vulgarity, and other potentially inappropriate language should be avoided.

6. Consider your tone carefully. The way you speak has a lot of meaning. When talking to people over the phone, it’s important to be aware of your tone and to be cordial and respectful.

7. Be mindful of your loudness in public areas. Your music or discussion may not be to everyone’s taste. When in public spaces like libraries, buses, or restaurants, be mindful of your volume.

8. Protect others’ privacy. Don’t share other people’s personal information or pictures without their permission. And always ask for permission before taking pictures.

10. Keep your phone on silent or vibrate during class, meetings or other important events. Not only is it disrespectful to interrupt with a ringing phone, but it can also be disruptive to the people around you.

12. Start with a greeting & Introduce yourself. When you first start a conversation, be sure to introduce yourself and state the reason for the call. This will help the other person understand the purpose of the call and make them more comfortable. whether its someone you are familiar with or not, its important you start with salutation if its the first chat for the day.

You can make sure that you’re using your phone in a way that is polite, considerate, and responsible by adhering to these clever phone etiquette recommendations. So use your phone to change the world while you’re out and around!

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