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6 books every christian teenager should read.

Books are treasures and they can make a whole lot of difference for us. Here are 6 recommended books that would position a teenage christian in the major area of their faith and development.

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1. The Pilgrim’s Progress

ohn Bunyan.

There is a good reason why this book has remained a Christian classic till date. It is for good reason that Bunyan’s allegorical tale has endured as a Christian classic and perhaps as the Christian classic. On the surface, the story follows a man named Christian as he leaves the City of Destruction and journeys to a place called the Celestial City, encountering all sorts of roadblocks and fearsome creatures along the way. But on a deeper level, Pilgrim’s Progress charts the journey of an average Christian person as they strive to leave behind their destructive, sinful ways and get to Heaven. Teenagers will witness Christian’s long journey to the Celestial City and, from it, learn the beauty of God’s grace, his mercy, provisions and his demand upon our lives as believers.

There is a video animated adaption of the book which can be found in here

2. Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis

In mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis outlines the Christian faith in its simplest form and the basic elements of our faith as Christians. Lewis argues for the logical validity of Christianity, defends the religion from its critics, and looks in detail at what the life of a Christian is like. This book will help teenagers understand what unites Christians around the world no matter when or where they live.

3. Habits of Grace

David Mathis

Habits of Grace is a powerful guide to the disciplines of bible reading, praying which Mathis refers to as the “habits of grace. This offers basic instructions to new believers while bringing fresh encouragement to those who have walked with the Lord for many years. It will set your teens for a lifetime of pursing God. It does a good job of describing how Christians are to form and keep such habits.
The key principles of the means of grace are Jesus’ voice (word), his ear (prayer), and his body (church).

4. Don't waste your life

John Piper

For teenagers looking for their life’s passion, this book shares biblical principles and motivation to give their life to God no matter what they find themselves doing in the future.
John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity — with a single, soul-satisfying passion for the glory of God that seeks to make much of him in every sphere of our lives.

5. Teenage Realities; Understanding, Living & maximising Teenage years

E. David

This books is focused on the beauty of Luke 2: 52. It creatively addresses the challenges of teenagers in the 21st century, their relationship with their parents, teachers, peers and sibling, other challenges of life teenagers are bound to face. It clearly explains how they can leverage on relationships, books, resources and experience to maximise their life and live it fully.

This book is only available on demand at the of publishing this post

6. Do hard things: a teenage rebellion against low expectations.

Alex and Brett Harris

This Christian book challenges teenagers to rise above low expectations and make a change. The challenge to do hard things isn’t about doing the impossible or seeking to earn someone’s favour, especially God’s. Instead, your teen is encouraged to use their years 13-19 as an opportunity to make a difference. A good, lasting difference.

We would love you to share your experience in the comment session with any of the above books or other nooks you have read as a teenager that has made a difference in your life.

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